Here comes Santa Claus, NYC

The night of my birthday a friend took me to see UP in 3-D. It was the best gift she could have given me. The film was wonderful: glorious and inventive. Afterwards I couldn't articulate what it was that I so enjoyed. It completely washed over me. I forgot about the 3-D, the animation, the effects. They all became part of the fabric of the storytelling. Unlike Coraline, where I was ever cognizant of the world that was being constructed and the techinques by which the film was brought to life, after the first five minutes or so I was immersed.

Yesterday I had taken the day off to get away from New York. My original plans were more grandiose, but became simpler as the day approached. Cost was an initial limitation; then weather. Today it looks like rain all day; something I wouldn't much have appreciated if I had gone to the Finger Lakes to canoe, as I had hoped in making one plan. Instead, I went to the Dia:Beacon, which was glorious. The museum space is stunning, and the art contained therein expansive in more ways than one.

And while Santa may not have visited with gifts, I received well-wishes a-plenty, some from as far away as India and China. Thanks to all! And to all a good night!

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Posted 05 Jun 2009   |   Photography + design © Eugene Kuo // 226.